Vol. 25 No. 3/2021

Image Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Google Earth Engine Environment
Paul TEDORESCU, Simona-Nicoleta VOICU 5
In this paper it is proposed to classify an image using a Machine Learning approach inside the Google Earth Engine platform and Jupyter Notebook: feeding the computer with training data (in our case being points/pixels having a label which represent the land-cover type), it will learn to recognize the type of pixel through a model built on the technique called supervised learning. Even if the reader is not so familiar with the GEE environment and with GEE data structures and data types (like image, image Collections, features, feature Collections, geometry etc.), we’ll try to guide him step by step in this modern exercise of building a machine learning model which, having the intelligence to guess the land-cover for each pixel, it will finally create a the-matic map, very useful for scientist and specialists. This is actually what it’s called Artificial In-telligence and the model built here can be re-used with new data, new images.
Keywords: Machine Learning, Google Earth Engine, Image classification, Jupyter Notebook, Python

Enhancing Supervised Machine Learning Output Using Image Processing Techniques
Răzvan DUȚESCU 17
For the past 20 years, deforestation has been a major issue in Romania. While there have been reforestation attempts, it is still hard to get a clear picture of how the forest situation has changed over the years. This paper explores a possible solution to finding out how Romanian forests have evolved from the year 2000 to 2019 by using geospatial data in order to see where trees were cut down or where an effort was made to replant them. This is achieved by using a decision trees machine learning model and by using clear pictures of the ground as well as some ground variables to determine where a particular forest is. Furthermore, additional steps were taken in an effort to improve the result.
Keywords: Decision Forest, Geospatial data, Dilation, Erosion, Google Earth Engine

Students Engagement Detection in Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic Using R Programming Language
Ahmed Imran KABIR, Suraya AKTER, Sriman MITRA 26
Nowadays, Covid-19 is a serious issue, which is outspread all over the world. As, this is a contagious illness, so people maintaining social distance to prevent it. Government of every country announced lockdown to the respective countries to stop its rapid spread. For this reason, most of the sectors especially the education sector is going through a crisis. Students cannot go to their institution because of this pandemic. Therefore, Government of every country decided to start online class in this pandemic situation. It is very much tough to continue study through online rather than intuitional class. Not only students but also the teachers also faced many problems to do the online class properly because this is a new process for both of them. In online class, teachers have to identify that the students are present or not. If the students turn on their webcam, then the teachers can take their attendance easily. In this research, researchers tried to develop a prototype using R programming language and machine learning tools that can detect and recognize students’ face easily that might help teachers to take attendance without any hassle. Researchers took help of Artificial Intelligence as well as used Machine Learning tools to complete this research. People using artificial intelligence because people do mistake but machine cannot do mistake so the in here the error rate is low. Machine learning is also important because it is time consuming, this machine have to trained up so that it is act as human and solve all the problems easily. That is why various types of programming language are needed to train up the machine. In here, Researchers mainly used OpenCV that is a built-in package of R programming language, which is used for real time face detection and so on.
Keyword: Face Detection, Face Recognition, R Programming Language, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, OpenCV

Business Activities Using Chatbots
Ionuț-Alexandru CÎMPEANU 38
In this article, we present a short introduction about chatbots and we describe two original chatbot solutions used in education and tourism. In the first part of the article, we describe the life cycle of a chatbot, presenting the steps needed for its development. We continue with the enumeration and description of the design techniques that developers are using in making the chatbots. The article also presents the architecture of two original chatbot solutions, the design methods and techniques used in their development and implementation and the usefulness and benefits of these two models. Moreover, possible future improvements of these chatbots for having an increased performance are presented. As a conclusion, we highlight the concern of business people for the use of chatbots in any field of activity and the progress that economic activity registers through their use.
Keywords: Chatbots, Development, Business, Life-cycle

Agile Software Development for Vaccine Delivery in The Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic
Alexandru Ionuț NIȚU 52
Agile software development is a group of project management methods that involve identifying customer requirements and developing solutions collaboratively. It is based on iterations of progress that consist of functional intermediate variants with few software bugs. Emphasis is placed on the frequent dialogue between team members through daily meetings where the progress made the previous day and the problems encountered are discussed. A customer representative frequently participates in these discussions. The Coronavirus pandemic has changed everyone's lifestyle. The only possibility of returning to a normal life seems to be the appearance of a weapon against the invisible enemy. Time plays the most important role, and errors must not exist. In just two weeks, a logistics software system was implemented within the National Institute for Medical-Military Research-Development "Cantacuzino" in Bucharest, to support the effort to combat the disease.
Keywords: Agile Software Development, Covid-19, Scrum, Inventory Management, Traceability

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