ChatGPT – A Systematic Review of Published Research Papers
Alin ZAMFIROIU, Denisa VASILE, Daniel SAVU 5
ChatGPT was released on November 30, 2022 by OpenAI. After its launch, it started to be used by many users for different fields of interest. Several scientific articles have even been published in which ChatGPT appears as an author because text generated by him was used. The impact it had on technology is enormous and that is why many materials have been published on how to use it in different fields as well as in different usage scenarios.In this material, we carry out an analysis of the materials that were published in three months after the appearance of ChatGPT (December 2022, January 2023 and February 2023). For this synthesis, the materials indexed by Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science were analyzed. Within the analyzed materials, scenarios of using ChatGPT and how to interact with it are identified. We also present the way of involvement or use of ChatGPT in education, science and research and in the final part of the material we present some suggestions for future research that can be carried out with the help of ChatGPT.
Keywords: ChatGPT, OpenAI, Papers, Research, Review

Measurement and Analysis of The Information Performance of Companies in The European Union and Serbia Based on The Fuzzy LMAW and MARCOS Methods
Radojko LUKIC 17
Information and communication technology is one of the critical factors of the business success of a modern company. Therefore, it is important to investigate the information performance of companies from different angles. In this paper, starting from that, a comparative analysis of the selection and ranking of the information performance of companies in the European Union and Serbia is performed based on the FLMAW and MARCOS methods. The obtained empirical results show that the top five countries in terms of information performance include: Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and Spain. Germany is in tenth place. France is in sixteenth place. Italy is in nineteenth place. Serbia is in twenty-fifth place. In terms of information performance, Serbia is in a worse position compared to the countries in the region. Slovenia is in twelfth place. Croatia is in twenty-first place. In order to improve information performance in the future, it is necessary to significantly improve information and communication technology. This especially applies, in addition to Serbia, to Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Estonia. The effects of this are the improvement of the financial performance and efficiency of the company.
Keywords: Information and communication technology, information performance, companies, European Union, Serbia, FLMAW method, MARCOS method

Stablecoins – Financial Instruments with Low Volatility
Dan-Cristian CEARNĂU 32
The first distributed blockchain systems were used to power digital currencies (cryptocurrencies) such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ethereum. The value of these cryptocurrencies is given by their supply and demand on the market, thus, giving rise to very high volatility. As the first cryptocurrency launched, Bitcoin (BTC) is a financial instrument recognized for its volatility. This property of Bitcoin has two implications: attracting investors who want to benefit from the increase or decrease in its value in a very short timeframe and deterring investors due to the possibility of recording substantial losses. This paper analyzes several models of digital currencies that aim to maintain a stable unit value. This unit value is expressed in a fiat currency such as the US dollar or the single European currency (euro), also called a Fiat currency. These “stable” currencies are used to allow investors in volatile instruments like Bitcoin to be able to cover their gains or losses. In addition to the usefulness of these currencies as an exchange tool in transactions with traditional digital currencies (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, etc.), they can also be used for internet transactions without being prone to government control, as is the case with a traditional Fiat currency.
Keywords: Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Stablecoin, Algorithmic currencies, Decentralization, Fiat currency

Cyber Diplomacy: A New Frontier for Global Cooperation in the Digital Age
Ioana-Cristina VASILOIU 41
As the world evolves, becoming increasingly interconnected through digital technologies, there is a growing need for global collaboration in addressing the challenges of cyberspace. Cyber diplomacy, the use of diplomatic means to manage international relations in cyberspace, is emerging as a new field of international relations. With the advancement of cybercrime, cyberspace actors – governments, organizations, corporations, the private sector, and civil society need to collaborate, negotiate and develop cyber capabilities to ensure a safe digital space through cyber diplomacy. The article outlines the current state of cyberspace and critical threats to global security and stability, examining cybercrime, state-sponsored cyberattacks, cyberespionage, cyberterrorism, and trends in cybercrime. It focuses on the concept of cyber diplomacy and its expansion as a field of international relations, noting key developments that have contributed to this aspect. At the same time, the role of cyber diplomacy in shaping global norms, standards, and regulations for cyberspace is mentioned, and the potential advantages of better international cooperation in this field are explored.
Keywords: Cyber diplomacy, Cyberspace, Cybercrime, Information and Communication Technology, Cyber-attacks

Blended Learning Model: A Feasible Option for Romanian Undergraduate Education System
Andreea-Cristina STROE 51
The accelerating development of new technologies has created a new educational context to which all the education system, including the Romanian one, should try to adapt. Blended learning has become one of the key concepts in the new educational environment. Thus, this paper aims to provide a clearer image of what blended learning means and what are its models, besides what advantages and disadvantages it can bring to the education system. Moreover, this study will focus on whether each model of blended learning can be implemented for each of the stages of the education system. Finally, the study will attempt to establish if any of the blended learning model is suitable for the Romanian undergraduate education system and, moreover, to which stage it should be more appropriate. Overall, this paper contributes to the literature firstly by placing the concept of blended learning in the context of the undergraduate education system and secondly by analyzing the possibility to implement a blended learning system in the Romanian education.
Keywords: Digitalization, Romanian Undergraduate Education, Blended learning model, Digital education, Personalized learning

The 22nd International Conference on Informatics in Economy, IE 2023 64

Publishing Guide for Authors 65

INFOREC Association 67

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